Title: Dive into the Sizzling Summer Sensation: “It Happened One Summer: A Novel” – A Spicy Contemporary Romance in a Beach Town (Bellinger Sisters Book 1)
Get ready to be swept off your feet by the sweltering hot romance of the summer, “It Happened One Summer: A Novel” – a spicy contemporary romance set in a beach town. The first book in the Bellinger Sisters series, this captivating story is sure to pull at your heartstrings and keep you hooked till the very end. Buy it now from Amazon on Amazon’s Kindle Store and dive into a world of love, laughter, and beachside fun.
Key Features:
Published by Avon on July 13, 2021, this English language novel has quickly climbed the ranks to become a bestseller. With an ASIN of B08L3NHJ88, this Kindle eBook is available in the Literature & Fiction category. Click here to purchase this captivating story.
The eBook comes with a myriad of features to enhance your reading experience. With a file size of 2969 KB, the novel consists of 410 pages, ensuring a detailed and immersive experience. The book is enabled with Text-to-Speech, supporting screen readers and enhanced typesetting for an easy and enjoyable reading adventure. Exciting features like X-Ray, Word Wise, and the unique Kindle Scribe Sticky notes further enhance your reading journey.
The book has garnered rave reviews from readers worldwide, securing a 4.3 out of 5 stars rating based on 44,726 ratings. It currently holds the #29 position in Kindle Store’s Top 100, #2 in Contemporary Women Fiction, and #4 in both Romantic Comedy (Kindle Store) and Romantic Comedy (Books).
Priced at $11, “It Happened One Summer: A Novel” offers a thrilling reading experience that’s worth every penny. Get it from Amazon today and embark on a journey filled with romance and humor.
“It Happened One Summer: A Novel” is a must-read for all fans of contemporary romance. Its engaging storyline, relatable characters, and heartwarming romance make it an unforgettable read. Don’t miss out on this summer sensation. Buy it now from Amazon and let the Bellinger Sisters take you on a delightful journey of love and laughter.
*Please note, prices may vary.