Title: The Perfect Treat for Your Furry Friends: Greenies Pill Pockets for Dogs Capsule Size – Natural Soft Dog Treats with Real Peanut Butter
Is administering your dog’s medication a daily struggle? Look no further! The Greenies Pill Pockets for Dogs Capsule Size Natural Soft Dog Treats with Real Peanut Butter is the perfect solution. This product turns the arduous task of giving your pet their pills into a delightful snack time. You can now buy it on Amazon and make your pet’s medicine time a fun experience.
Key Features:
Greenies Pill Pockets are a revolutionary product in the Pet Supplies category, specifically designed for Dogs. These Treats are nothing like the regular Cookies, Biscuits & Snacks. These are made keeping the health and happiness of your furry friend in mind.
Quality and Price:
For only $34, you get a 15.8 oz. pack containing 60 treats. These are not only good value for your money but also a high-quality product that your pet will love. The Greenies Pill Pockets are made with real peanut butter, ensuring a great taste that your dogs will not be able to resist.
Reliable Delivery and Seller Service:
The product offers reliable delivery options and is sold by a seller known for their excellent customer service. The product dimensions are 3 x 6.6 x 9.63 inches and it weighs 15.8 ounces. The model number is 10204981 and it was first available on May 20, 2019. The product is manufactured by Mars Petcare.
Flavors and Sizes:
Apart from the delicious peanut butter flavor, Greenies Pill Pockets are also available in cheese, chicken, hickory, and salmon flavors. The product comes in various sizes and counts to suit your pet’s needs, ranging from a 1.48-pound pack to smaller sizes like a 1.6 oz pack, 30 count pack, or even a 0.26-ounce pack.
Using these pill pockets is as easy as 1,2,3. Simply drop the medicine tablet inside the pill pouch, pinch it closed, and voila! Your dog’s medicine is now a tasty treat. They won’t even sniff out the medicine as the pill pockets mask the smell and taste effectively.
Customer Reviews:
With a stellar customer rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars and 46,552 reviews, this product is a favorite among pet owners. It ranks #21 in Pet Supplies on Amazon and is featured in the Top 100 Pet Supplies list.
In conclusion, the Greenies Pill Pockets for Dogs Capsule Size Natural Soft Dog Treats with Real Peanut Butter is a must-have for pet owners. It makes medicating your dog a breeze while offering them a treat they will love. Don’t wait, get it from Amazon today and turn treat time into pill time!